Hello Coach,
We will release the Sunday playoffs as soon as the last games end in each age group. You may already know, but its going to be kinda late. Just wanted to give you an update. Thank you.
Metal cleats not allowed at all.
This park will charge a gate fee.
No metal cleats, please make sure all athletes are aware of this policy and bring turf/tennis shoes for games played at AAG.
Parking at AAG is free Monday-Thursday. On Friday starting at 3pm parking is enforced and it's $5/daily. There are parking kiosks located at various locations throughout the park
Ticketing—the box office will open at 6:45am daily, children 10 and under are free. Daily tickets are $10. Tickets are sold at the box office.
Time Change-If you see your game time is 8am for example, that’s what time you play Arizona time. This seems obvious, however it is a little confusing because Pacific and MST will soon be the same. MDT will be an hour ahead.
2/28/2025 7:11 AMChaparral, Thompson Peak will have concessions. Golden Eagle should have concessions. Most other parks are doubtful to have concessions. :)
2/6/2025 7:42 AM
SEEDING PROCEDURES (First factor is Win-Loss record)
Two Way Tie
1. Head to Head between tied teams
2. Total Run differential
3. Runs Allowed
4. Runs Scored
5. Actual run differential in last pool game
6. Coin Flip
Three (or more) Way Tie
Note: When 3 or more teams are tied and there is not a common opponent amongst all tied teams, run differential is the first tie breaker.
1. Head to Head (if sweep)
2. Total Run differential
3. Runs Allowed
4. Runs Scored
5. Actual run differential in last pool game
6. Coin Flip
RA=Runs Allowed
RS=Runs Scored
LAD=Last Actual Differential
IMPORTANT: Run differential maximum
1. Forfeits will be scored 7-0
2. Maximum run spread per game is 7 regardless of score.
*Ties = .5 win and .5 loss.
Note: When 3 or more teams are tied and there is not a common opponent amongst all tied teams, run differential is the first tie breaker.
Pitching Rules: Innings allowed per tournament through first 4 games played:
8s -12's = 6 innings
-13's & 14s = 7 innings
-15/16s and 18s = 8 innings.
*Each player on the roster gets (1) additional inning per game played starting in a team's 5th game played, 6th=1 more inning, 7th=1 more inning, etc...
*No limit on number of appearances.
*A mound appearance resulting in any single pitch (warm-up pitch or game pitch) being thrown or a play will be considered an inning pitched.
*Eight warm-ups to start, five thereafter. Umpires reserve the right to limit the warm-up time to a minimum of 1 minute regardless of the number of pitches thrown.
*If pitching rules are violated and the infraction is detected, the situation will be reviewed and a MINIMUM of the head coach ejection will be enforced. Additional consequences may include the player ejection from game, player and head coach from the tournament, forfeiture of game and elimination of team from the event.
*Scorecards must be signed by both team managers to eliminate inning validation problems. (Managers, please help with this process.)
The following reports can be viewed, printed or downloaded.
More detailed reports can be found on the divisions page.
All event related questions should be directed to Matt Pilcher at or call 970-672-0562.