Triple Crown Sports presents

Roaring Fork Valley World Series Documents

July 17-21, 2024
Aspen, Basalt, Glenwood Spgs, Colorado
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


**Give yourself extra time to get there if playing in Aspen (construction and traffic Maroon Creek Road and facility parking lot)

Hello Parents,

Due to road construction on Maroon Creek Road and in/around the Aspen Recreation Center, we are asking you use the Tiehack parking lot. The Tiehack parking lot is located about a two-minute walk from the Aspen Recreation Center and Rotary and Iselin baseball fields.

Driving directions:

From highway 82 (coming toward Aspen from down valley):
After you pass through the traffic light at the base of Buttermilk ski area look for Tiehack Rd.
Take a right on Tiehack Rd.
Follow the road up the hill until you see the Tiehack chairlift.
There are two parking lots here. Use the parking lot on the left and the overflow parking lot on the right just past the chairlift.
Do not park directly on Tiehack Rd. as you will be subject to tickets or towing. Please use the parking lots.
Walk across the Maroon Creek bridge to access the fields and Rec. Center.
From highway 82 (leaving Aspen).
Take a right on Tiehack Rd.
Follow Tiehack Rd. around and under highway 82.
Follow the road up the hill until you see the Tiehack chairlift.
There are two parking lots here. Use the parking lot on the left and the overflow parking lot on the right just past the chairlift.
Do not park directly on Tiehack Rd. as you will be subject to tickets or towing. Please use the parking lots.
Walk across the Maroon Creek bridge to access the fields and Rec. Center.

Please use this pin for directions:

7/18/2024 12:05 PM

SECURITY (Town of Snowmass Village): Coral Tree Residences will have security assigned to the pool and common areas around the condominiums. PLEASE make sure your players and families are well supervised, courteous, and respect the noise levels around the pools and buildings. If we receive reports involving your team of loud behavior, or public intoxication it could be grounds for removal from the event. The Town of Snowmass Village has opened their doors for us to enjoy their beautiful village, and we need to respect it. Thank you.

: Teams that leave unpaid bills or damages will be removed from the tournament and reported to their respective leagues.

A player or coach that is exhibits unsporting behavior and is ejected from a game will at a minimum be required to leave the immediate playing field and exit to the closest parking lot. The situation will be reviewed and any additional consequences may include the player/coach ejection from additional games, or player/coach ejection from the tournament.

A fan/spectator that is exhibits unsporting behavior and is removed from a game will at a minimum be required to leave the immediate playing field and exit to the closest parking lot. The situation will be reviewed and any additional consequences may include the fan/spectator non-admittance for additional games, or the remainder of tournament.

7/9/2024 8:33 AM


Unless noted prior to the event, National Federation High School Rules will be used with the following notations. Triple Crown reserves the right to enforce particular invitational tournament rules.

(Franchisees may offer rule variations)

Age Requirement: Age cutoff information for all age divisions:
April 30th will be the designated date to determine ages. A player’s eligibility of play is determined by their age on April 30th; with additional grade considerations:

7u Division – Player turning 8 prior to May 1 of current year is NOT ELIGIBLE, unless player is in 1st Grade during the spring of the current year.

8u Division – Player turning 9 prior May 1 of current year is NOT ELIGIBLE, unless player is in 2nd Grade during the spring of the current year.

9u Division – Player turning 10 prior May 1 of current year is NOT ELIGIBLE, unless player is in 3rd Grade during the spring of the current year.

​10u Division – Player turning 11 prior May 1 of current year is NOT ELIGIBLE, unless player is in 4th Grade during the spring of the current year.

11u Division – Player turning 12 prior May 1 of current year is NOT ELIGIBLE, unless player is in 5th Grade during the spring of the current year.

12u Division – Player turning 13 prior May 1 of current year is NOT ELIGIBLE, unless player is in 6th Grade during the spring of the current year.

13u Division – Player turning 14 prior May 1 of current year is NOT ELIGIBLE, unless player is in 7th Grade during the spring of the current year.

14u Division – Player turning 15 prior May 1 of current year is NOT ELIGIBLE, unless player is in 8th Grade during the spring of the current year.

15u Division – Player turning 16 prior to May 1 of current year is NOT ELIGIBLE, unless player is in 9th Grade during the spring of the current year.

16u Division – Player turning 17 prior to May 1 of current year is NOT ELIGIBLE, unless player is in 10th Grade during the spring of the current year.

17u Division – Player turning 18 prior to May 1 of current year is NOT ELIGIBLE, unless player is in 11th Grade during the spring of the current year.

18u Division – Player turning 19 prior to May 1 of current year is NOT ELIGIBLE, unless player is in 12th Grade during the spring of the current year.​​

Rosters: May not exceed 20 players during the tournament for 7u-14u and may not exceed 25 players during the tournament for 15u-18u. No players may be added to a roster once the tournament has begun. Players may not participate on more than 1 team in the same tournament (regardless of age / divisions) All players must have an authorized signature to be eligible.

Protest Fee: $100 cash (on rule interpretation only). Protests must be made prior to the next pitch being thrown. Umpire(s) must be informed first of a protest made during the game. The Tournament Director will make the final decision on all protests.

Game Time: Starting time is forfeit time, unless delay is created by Triple Crown. Game time starts at completion of plate meeting.

Home Team: Determined by coin flip in pool play. Higher seed is awarded the choice of home team in playoffs and championship games. The exceptions to this rule are in the case of a double elimination bracket the undefeated team will always have choice of home or away, regardless of their seed and in a “If” Game, the team that won the "first" Championship Game has choice of home/visitor. Home team is required to keep the official book. If two equal seeds meet then we will use a coin flip. Any seeding disputes will be determined by tournament staff.

Player Minimum: A team must start with a minimum of 9 players but can finish with fewer, taking outs in the vacant batting order positions.

Championship Games: No time limit. No Tiebreaker. Run rule still in effect. **TC tie-breaker: If a game is tied after all innings have been completed (or at time limit), tie-breaker rule goes into effect only in playoffs (pool play allows ties). Each team puts the batter who is scheduled to bat last in that half of the inning on 2nd base (no outs, no count) and plays out the inning. This happens until the tie is broken and the game is complete.

Pitching Rules: Innings allowed per tournament through first 4 games played:
-7's = 6 innings
-8's = 6 innings
-9's = 6 innings
-10's = 6 innings
-11's = 6 innings
-12's = 6 innings
-13's = 7 innings
-14's = 7 innings
-15's = 8 innings
-16's = 8 innings
-18's = 8 innings

*Each player on the roster gets (1) additional inning per game played starting in a team's 5th game played, 6th=1 more inning, 7th=1 more inning, etc...

*No limit on number of appearances.

​*A mound appearance resulting in any single pitch (warm-up pitch or game pitch) being thrown or a play will be considered an inning pitched.

*Eight warm-ups to start, five thereafter. Umpires reserve the right to limit the warm-up time to a minimum of 1 minute regardless of the number of pitches thrown.

*If pitching rules are violated and the infraction is detected, the situation will be reviewed and a MINIMUM of the head coach ejection will be enforced. Additional consequences may include the player ejection from game, player and head coach from the tournament, forfeiture of game and elimination of team from the event.

*Scorecards must be signed by both team managers to eliminate inning validation problems. (Managers, please help with this process.)

9. Scorecards:
When signing the scorecard at the conclusion of your game, you or a team representative must carefully review the pitching and the final score!! No changes will be made after the fact unless it is an input error.

9u & 10u**46' pitching**65’ bases**1 hr 45 min**6 innings**

11u & 12u**50’ pitching**70’ bases**1 hr 45 min**6 innings**

13u**54” pitching**80’ bases**2 hrs**7 innings** - 13u will play 1 hr 50 min time limit for POOL PLAY ONLY

14u**60’6” pitching**90’ bases**2 hrs**7 innings**

11. Visits to the mound: As per NFHS rules, each team is allowed three charged visits to the mound within a game. A charged visit is a trip in which the manager or coach does not remove the pitcher. After the three charged visits are used, every trip to the mound will result in the pitcher being removed. A visit is not “charged” when the manager removes the pitcher from the mound. Remember, charged visits are cumulative for the entire game (visits are not tracked “per pitcher”). No restrictions on visits per inning.

12. Infield Warm-Ups: All teams are encouraged to warm-up as much as possible before game time. No pre-game infield.

13. Baseballs: Teams must provide all game balls. Estimated two new balls per game and 1 used per game. Umpires reserve the right to refuse baseballs they determine are not suitable.

14. No steel spikes for any divisions 10u age and younger. 11u & older MAY use steel spikes.
**Reminder NO steel spikes allowed on portable mounds**

15. Bat Restrictions: 13u & Younger: All bats -5 or greater must be stamped BPF 1.15 USSSA or USA stamp. Must be a baseball bat – no restriction on weight or length as long as bat has “BPF 1.15 or USA” stamp. All -3 bats must be stamped BBCOR. Wood bats allowed.

14u and Older: -3 weight/length ratio only. All -3 bats must be stamped BBCOR.

Wood Bat Rule: To be considered a wood bat, a bat must be made of a single piece of wood. All other bats such as bamboo or two-piece must meet the BBCOR standards and have the BBCOR stamp. Bat rules apply to the age division you are playing in (not the age of the player or team). Penalties for illegal bats assessed per the NFHS rule book.

16. Uniforms: Unique numbers mandatory (no repeat numbers), matching uniforms recommended.

17. Adverse Weather: Triple Crown Baseball tournaments will be played in adverse weather conditions. The format may be changed to lesser time limits, fewer innings cancellation of games or seed advancement to complete the tournament. Awards distribution may be based off pool play seeding, in instances where games are played without an elimination finish. If weather becomes a factor, we may revert back to the first Pool Play game or ½ of the official game time for the playoff seeding. Coaches and players accept these conditions when entering the tournament. Tournament Philosophy: Score Early, Win Early, Stay Winning. Play to win every game!

18. Hotels/Motels/Condos: Teams that leave unpaid bills or damages will be removed from the tournament and reported to their respective leagues.

19. No Show: Team(s) that no-show will forfeit the entry fee and may be subject to suspension from competition in Triple Crown events for the following season.

​20. One-Way Communication: A coach may use a one-way electronic communication device to communicate to the catcher for the purpose of calling pitches. Coaches may not use electronic communication device(s) to communicate with any other team member while on defense or any team member while on offense. PENALTY: The umpire shall issue a team warning to the coach of the team involved and the next offender(s) of that team will be ejected, along with the head coach.

21. Courtesy Runners: The team at bat may use a courtesy runner for the pitcher and/or catcher of record from the previous inning on defense, any time after they reach base other than by substitution. The same runner may not be used for both positions in the same inning. Neither the pitcher nor the catcher will be required to leave under such circumstances. The courtesy runner must be a substitute player that has not been in the game. However, if you are batting the entire roster or do not have any eligible substitute on the bench you may use the last batted out for either player. If the Pitcher or Catcher get out prior to an out being recorded in the 1st inning, and there are no substitute players the courtesy runner shall be the previous batter not on base. In all other innings, the courtesy runner is the last batted out and if no outs have been recorded, it will be the last out from the previous inning.

22. Lineup/Batting order: Teams 14U and younger may bat any number of players and retain subs but must remain at the same total number of batters they started with throughout the game: Example 11 batters and 3 subs must finish with 11 batters. Batters not listed defensively will be extra hitters (EP or EH) and may rotate anywhere on the field like any other starter. If a team finishes the game with less players than they started, the team must take outs in the vacant positions (NO EXCEPTIONS). 15u and older, as well as 14u and younger, may choose to bat 9, 9 + EH, 9 + DH, or 9 + EH and DH. Players not in the batting lineup may not play defense.

23. Refund Policy: There will be administration fee charged for complete rainouts the fee is a percentage of the entry and this amount is available in the team’s confirmed registration for the event; 1 game played = 50% refund; 2 or more games played = no refund.

24. In the case where the event has a required lodging policy, all teams must be in compliance with lodging policy or risk not be bracketed into the tournament. Policy can be found on the main tournament webpage.

25. A player or coach that is exhibits unsporting behavior and is ejected from a game will at a minimum be required to leave the immediate playing field and exit to the closest parking lot. The situation will be reviewed and any additional consequences may include the player/coach ejection from additional games, or player/coach ejection from the tournament.

26. A fan/spectator that is exhibits unsporting behavior and is removed from a game will at a minimum be required to leave the immediate playing field and exit to the closest parking lot. The situation will be reviewed and any additional consequences may include the fan/spectator non-admittance for additional games, or the remainder of tournament.

27. Decisions: Tournament Director shall have final decision on all tournament questions.

28. Run Rules:
(8U-12U) 15 runs after 3 innings, 10 runs after 4 innings, or 8 runs after 5 innings.

(13U & 14U) 15 runs after 4 innings, 10 runs after 5 innings, or 8 runs after 6 innings.

All ages have a 20-run rule after 2 complete innings (home team gets last bat, if necessary)

7/16/2024 5:41 AM

For the WORLD SERIES, game time limits are as follows:

Time Limits:
(10u-11u) 1:45
(14D2) 2hrs
*no NEW inning starts after

7/9/2024 9:00 AM

-10s,11s = 6 innings
-14's = 7 innings

*Each player on the roster gets (1) additional inning per game played starting in a team's 5th game played, 6th=1 more inning, 7th=1 more inning, etc...
*No limit on number of appearances.
*A mound appearance resulting in any single pitch (warm-up pitch or game pitch) being thrown or a play will be considered an inning pitched.
*Eight warm-ups to start, five thereafter. Umpires reserve the right to limit the warm-up time to a minimum of 1 minute regardless of the number of pitches thrown.
*If pitching rules are violated and the infraction is detected, the situation will be reviewed and a MINIMUM of the head coach ejection will be enforced. Additional consequences may include the player ejection from game, player and head coach from the tournament, forfeiture of game and elimination of team from the event.
*Scorecards must be signed by both team managers to eliminate inning validation problems. (Managers, please help with this process.)

7/11/2024 10:20 AM

SEEDING PROCEDURES (First factor is Win-Loss record)
Two Way Tie
1. Head to Head between tied teams
2. Total Run differential
3. Runs Allowed
4. Runs Scored
5. Actual run differential in last pool game
6. Coin Flip

Three (or more) Way Tie
Note: When 3 or more teams are tied and there is not a common opponent amongst all tied teams, run differential is the first tie breaker.
1. Head to Head (if sweep)
2. Total Run differential
3. Runs Allowed
4. Runs Scored
5. Actual run differential in last pool game
6. Coin Flip

RA=Runs Allowed
RS=Runs Scored
LAD=Last Actual Differential

IMPORTANT: Run differential maximum
1. Forfeits will be scored 7-0
2. Maximum run spread per game is 7 regardless of score.

*Ties = .5 win and .5 loss.

Note: When 3 or more teams are tied and there is not a common opponent amongst all tied teams, run differential is the first tie breaker.

7/16/2024 5:38 AM

Follow Brush Creek to Snowmass Base Village and just off Wood Road is the Base Village Parking Garage. Once parked inside the Garage, use the elevator to the plaza and The Collective is within walking distance. (See Map)

If parking garage is full:
Park at Town Park Lot. Guests can search “Snowmass Rec Center” on their phone to receive directions to the event parking.  
Park in the number lots across from the Stonebridge Hotel and walk over.


7/16/2024 5:38 AM

General Parking and local event information attached


7/16/2024 5:38 AM

Pancake breakfast by Lions Club, 7am-10m Tuesday at Crown Mountain Park
$8 for burrito or pancakes, $10 with drink!


7/12/2024 11:38 AM

*Each player on the roster gets (1) additional inning per game played starting in a team's 5th game played, 6th=1 more inning, 7th=1 more inning, etc...
*No limit on number of appearances.

7/19/2024 12:29 PM

Managers meeting, 12:15 pm Crown Mountain Park, head coach and one lead parent recommended. Thank you!

7/16/2024 10:04 AM

The following reports can be viewed, printed or downloaded.
More detailed reports can be found on the divisions page.



7/5/2024 10:19 AM


6/25/2024 11:57 AM

Overall Standings

6/10/2024 10:22 AM

All event related questions should be directed to Roland Rivera at or call 970.672.0556.