New York Elite Baseball presents

NYEB Fall Brawl

October 17-18, 2020
Newburgh, New York
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We have been monitoring the weather most of the day. With the amount of rain we have received and continue to get overnight two of the three complexes have already informed us that they will not allow us to play tomorrow. New Windsor LL complex doesn't believe that Sunday is viable either.

Understand that when we hit late fall and temperatures are cool the water cannot dissipate like it does during the warmer months. We also cannot throw speedy dry on top of saturated fields. They need some time to drain.

We realize that we are getting close to the end of the season and some teams want to get these last few events in while others may actually be getting a little tired. With that said we will offer 3 options for this event:

1. You can use your full credit for one of the last events we have (VERY FEW OPENINGS) or carry it over to next year.

2. You can receive a cash refund minus a $125 administrative fee (this is not an option we normally allow)

3. We can try and make a schedule for Sunday designed where any team that wants to participate (provided we have enough teams for that division) play two games. If we have the field space we would hold a championship game for the first and second place seed. If not we would award first and second by the highest seeds. If you do not play 3 games you will receive the credit voucher for an event that only gets 2 games in (see our website for this policy)

We will need to know NO LATER THAN 8AM (preferably when tonight) from your team what option you want to choose as we would need to make a schedule pretty quick to get this set. If we do not get a response we will determine that you are not going to play on Sunday.

Email your responses to BOTH Frank and Jay:

10/16/2020 4:37 PM


NYEB wants to make sure that teams understand that for ALL Fall events players MUST be playing the age division they are for Spring of 2021.

This means ALL teams move up from the Summer ages. We know that some leagues or events have allowed this year to hold players back but this is not the decision NYEB has made. We are staying consistent to what we have done the last 13 years.

Should you have any questions you can go to the age chart of contact us directly for clarification

9/7/2020 4:18 PM


  • Tournament
  • All teams
  • Boys: 18U, 16U-9U
  • entry fee
  • Exposure Certified


Newburgh, NY, 12550


Frank Ibbetson


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All event related questions should be directed to Frank Ibbetson at or call 8457053767.