B & M Athletics LLC presents

2024 Fall Ball Teams

August 18 - September 29, 2024
Genesee Depot, Wisconsin
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


Due to the rain already received and the forecast for today ALL games will be cancelled for today 9/22 and rescheduled to Sunday 9/29. Game times and locations remain the same for 9/29.

9/22/2024 5:43 AM

With rain coming in tonight and forecasted for tomorrow, we will make a call at 6:30 AM on the status of the games for Sunday if we are not able to play, we will move the schedule back one week to September 29 and play games at same locations same times Look for an update here and also on Twitter at 6:30 Sunday morning

9/21/2024 8:59 PM

Welcome to the 2024 Season of B & M Athletics LLC Fall Ball. Schedule can be found here:


Here are a few updates and reminders for all:

1. There will be NO concessions sold at any of the sites so please make sure you have everything you need

2. The Official Rules and Policies for the event are in the documents section of the website. However the rules of this league may change at the discretion of the organizers but if they are notice will be given of the changes. Please read them carefully, and bring a copy with you. Each manager or team representative must ensure that their rosters are downloaded and ALL waivers signed. Failure to have official roster and waiver completed before your first game may result in your team being disqualified from the league

3. All Scores and Standings will be updated ASAP and by a minimum of 10pm each day. There will be an app you can download specifically for this league and your team specifically. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES DOWNLOAD THE APP THEN CHOOSE TO FOLLOW YOUR TEAM TO GET THE FASTEST UPDATES REGARDING YOUR TEAM IN PARTICULAR. Details here:


4. Other places to find out info during the league are Twitter @5DiamondsInc

5. There is only 1 makeup date set...that will be 9/29. If any games get rained out this is the only week we will be using for makeups so please keep schedule clear this day as well in case you need to play that date.

If you have any questions regarding the league please contact the event coordinator Brad Henes 414-331-1212. Each coach will be required to have a cell phone number provided in profile so that group texts may be shared with any breaking news or developments about the tournament. It will be the coach's responsibility to then pass this information onto their teams. If parents download the app they will also get those updates. We will also post information on our twitter account @5DiamondsInc .

8/12/2024 5:45 PM

The following teams are officially participating in the 2024 Fall Ball.
Please note some teams may not be present yet. Click on the team to view more details.

All event related questions should be directed to Brad Henes at bmathleticsllc@gmail.com or call 414-331-1212.