Premier Sports Tournaments presents

GSL Reese Widman Memorial (9u-18u) WBA 15U Rasmussen

July 25-28, 2024
Tacoma, Washington
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


we have some conflicting information and based off the original pre - tournament email indicating usssa bats were allowed, we will go with that

apologies for the confusion

9u - 13u
usssa, USA, bbcor, or wood
same, but only up to drop 5

sorry for the mixup

7/26/2024 8:40 PM

Just a reminder

9u - 13u
USA, bbcor, or wood
usa (up to drop 5), bbcor or wood

7/26/2024 8:22 PM

Thank you for your participation in GSL - Reese Widman Memorial - Strike out the Stigma
Remembering Reese
We want to remember Reese with his smile and love for life, family, friends, and baseball.
Click the link below for more information
Widdy's Work

Here are two links to rules
PST Game Play Rules
PST Pitching Rules

GSL - Zero Tolerance Policies
1. Metal Spikes on turf. If your field has a turf infield, metal spikes may not be worn, Even if the outfield is grass, they are not allowed.
If you are on a natural surface infield (dirt or grass), but the mound is turf, metal may be worn everywhere but the mound.
Any player with spikes on the field will immediately be ejected along with the head coach. This is your warning!
2. Alcohol on gsl tournament grounds. Any individual caught with alcohol at any of the tournament games will be ejected for the entire weekend. If a second indivdual from the same team is caught, the team will be immeditately removed.

7/22/2024 10:39 AM

Thank you for your participation in GSL - Reese Widman Memorial - Strike out the Stigma
Remembering Reese
We want to remember Reese with his smile and love for life, family, friends, and baseball.
Click the link below for more information
Widdy's Work

Here are two links to rules
PST Game Play Rules
PST Pitching Rules

GSL - Zero Tolerance Policies
1. Metal Spikes on turf. If your field has a turf infield, metal spikes may not be worn, Even if the outfield is grass, they are not allowed.
If you are on a natural surface infield (dirt or grass), but the mound is turf, metal may be worn everywhere but the mound.
Any player with spikes on the field will immediately be ejected along with the head coach. This is your warning!
2. Alcohol on gsl tournament grounds. Any individual caught with alcohol at any of the tournament games will be ejected for the entire weekend. If a second indivdual from the same team is caught, the team will be immeditately removed.

7/21/2024 11:09 PM

WBA 15U Rasmussen

15u Division Seattle, WA

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All event related questions should be directed to Matt Creaser at or call 253-576-3101.