Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.
The following venues are being used for this event.
Brannan Park
Chehalis Sports Complex
Chehalis Sports Complex (CHEH)
1155 SW William Ave
Chehalis, WA, 98532
F1 (1),
F2 (2),
F3 (3),
F4 (4)
Cirque Park
Curtis HS
Dacca Park
Dacca Park (DACCA)
54th Ave E.
Fife, WA, 98424
1 (1),
Field 2 (2),
Field 3 (3),
Field 4 (4)
Heritage Park (Puyallup)
Heritage Park (Puyallup) (HERIT)
9010 128th Street
Puyallup, WA, 98373
1 (1),
Field 2 (2),
Field 3 (3),
Field 4 (4),
Field 5 (5)
Hogan Park
Redmond HS
SERA Fields
SERA Fields (SERA)
6002 S. Adams St.
Tacoma, WA, 98409
Red (Red),
Blue (Blue),
Green (Green),
Gold (Gold),
Purple (Purpl),
Orange (Orang)
Stevens Fields
All event related questions should be directed to Matt Creaser at mattc@gsltournaments.com or call 253-576-3101.