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The following venues are being used for this event.
Arma Fields
Arma Fields (ARMA)
800 Crawford St
Arma, KS, 66712
1 (1),
Hookie (Hooki),
Mcdonald (Mcdon)
Frontenac Sports Complex
Frontenac Sports Complex (FRONT)
512 E McKay St
Frontenac, KS, 66763
1 (1),
2 (2),
3 (3),
5 (5)
Red Wutke Ball Park
Red Wutke Ball Park (BP)
700 S Sinnett St
Girard, KS, 66743
Field 1 (Turf) (F1 ),
Field 2 (F2),
Field 3 (F3),
Field 4 (Turf) (F4),
Field 5 (F5)
Weir Field
All event related questions should be directed to Kelsey Vinze at kelsey.vinze@pcacoop.com or call 620-238-1349.