Premier Sports Tournaments OLD presents

2023 Seattle Elite League

March 12 - July 31, 2023
Seattle, Washington
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The Seattle Elite League is the premier select baseball summer league in the Pacific Northwest, with leagues for teams 11U - 18U. League play starts in March & April for the 11U - 14U leagues, and May for the HS age leagues. Schedules will be posted in March for 11U - 14U, and early April for 15U - 18U

  • League
  • All teams
  • Boys: 18U, 16U-11U
  • entry fee
  • Exposure Certified


Seattle, WA



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General Information

Founded in 2010, the Seattle Elite League is entering its 13th season in the Pacific Northwest!  The inaugural season was the summer of 2011 with a 12-team 16U league. In 2012, the league expanded to four leagues of 12 teams each, spanning the ages of 14-18. 2013 saw more expansion, with a 13U league starting up along with more teams being added to the older four age groups. In 2014 & 2015, we continued to make our mark in the Pacific Northwest baseball community, growing to have 143 teams across six leagues in 2016. We now have upwards of 200 teams participating in our leagues annually.

All event related questions should be directed to Derek Bingham at