Central Kansas Crushers presents

10th Annual Central Kansas Classic Teams

June 2-4, 2023
McPherson, Kansas
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


11th Annual Central Kansas Classic - Jun 1-2, 2024 - McPherson, KS (exposureevents.com)


1/24/2024 9:49 PM

Sorry for the delay on the schedule but it is out now.

Rememeber there is a team gate fee that is due before the 1st game.
It can be paid on this site with CC or check/cash before the first game saturday.

Saturday there is a large soccer event at Grant complex also so come a little early because parking is tough in the afternoon. All of the gates will be open this year so you can get in from the back also.

If there is anything that you need please reach out.
There are three of us working Grant this year
Tanner, Dylan and myself.


5/31/2023 9:10 PM

The following teams are officially participating in the 10th Annual Central Kansas Classic.
Please note some teams may not be present yet. Click on the team to view more details.

All event related questions should be directed to Tim Cheatham at tc.construction@hotmail.com or call 620-245-5469.