Seattle Elite Baseball presents

Seattle Elite Wood Bat Invitational Northwest Bandits

April 22-25, 2021
Kirkland / Redmond / Kent, Washington
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


Please review the attached Seattle Elite Baseball COVID protocol to ensure you are aware of our guidelines for this weekend's event.

Mask Policy
- Facial coverings must be worn by athletes when NOT actively competing (on the bench, in the dugout, etc.)
- Athletes may remove facial coverings when at bat, on base, or playing a position
- Facial coverings are required for all coaches, umpires, and volunteers at all times
- Spectators from different households should remain physically distant (6 feet or more) when possible. When not physically distant, facial coverings


4/21/2021 12:14 PM

Field Restrictions & Notes
Hogan Park
- NO metal cleats and NO sunflower seeds

Island Crest Park
- NO metal cleats and NO sunflower seeds

Lake Washington HS
- NO metal cleats and NO sunflower seeds
- Stadium bathrooms are not available; port-a-potty down RF line by tennis courts
- Weekday arrivals NO MORE THAN 45 minutes prior to game time
- There is construction going on at the school - please park in the student parking lot on the west side of the school

Redmond HS
- NO metal cleats and NO sunflower seeds
- Weekday arrivals NO MORE THAN 45 minutes prior to game time

4/21/2021 12:17 PM

Seattle Elite Wood Bat Invitational - Rule Reminders

Home Team Designation
- For all pool play games, a coin flip will determine the home team
- For all bracket/consolation games, the higher seed (high being 1) is home

Time Limits
- No new inning after 2 hours; NO drop dead
- NO time limit in division championship game

Courtesy Runners
- ONLY with 2 outs for Pitcher / Catcher

Mercy Rule
- 10 runs after 5 innings; no other mercy rules apply

Substitutions / Re-Entry
- High school rules - starters are eligible to re-enter the game in their original spot in the lineup

Full tournament rules can be found in the 'Documents' section of the tourney webpage and app

4/21/2021 12:20 PM

Seattle Elite Wood Bat Invitational weather update:
- The 12:00 PM @ Kent Memorial is rained out - game is CANCELLED. Still a go as of now for the 3:00 PM & 6:00 PM games
- The 1:00 PM @ Lee Johnson is rained out - game is CANCELLED. Still a go as of now for the 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM games
- All other games are on as scheduled as of 10:00 AM

4/25/2021 10:04 AM

Northwest Bandits

13U Gold Bothell, WA

Schedule Loading...

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All event related questions should be directed to Seattle Elite Baseball at